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In the Himalaya

Few days later we traveled to a city called Manikaran, set up quite far inside Himalaya Mountain. The driver drove the car like in a rally, and the road was so narrow that two cars hardly passed each other. There was not side protector at the one side of the road and in some places 400 m steep abysses dropped down and ended at the river’s hugs. It was about lunch time when we arrived in Manirakan. This is a small settlement full with Hindu temples and many hot springs. There were even built pools in the temples, where pilgrims could wash themselves.

Our aim here was to visit few missionaries, who worked for our Lord in this remote and undeveloped place of the World. Their life conditions were extremely miserable. Because their house’s building was still not finished, the men had to sleep under the sky, and all women - in one room. They hadn’t even a toilet and were forced to go to the near Hindu temple. All these uncomfortable conditions however couldn’t disturb them to work for the Master of the Universe, where He has set them up, and for me they were an example of a real humble servants who loved Him.
