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Treat from Hundu fundamentalist

One day in the house where we lived came Hindu fundamentalists to ask who we are and what we do. They knew very well that we are Christians and here we work for God, but they often came, trying to cause fear in God’s workers hearts. Few weeks before our team arrives in India, these Hindu fundamentalists have come at night and broke the windows of the house. When they have seen that it is useless, they began to come and attack with words, often mentioning the word “money”, i.e., if we give them money, they will not disturb us. In other words, the devil tried in various ways to stop God’s work in Buntar and if he couldn’t succeed with physical threat, then he tried to use psychical one. His methods of acting are same all over the world, but praise God that His protection is always with those who serve Him with pure hearts. Those who are called by God to be a missionary often see how God’s mighty hand keeps him and protect him from every evil. It is because God has promised that He will be with us, wherever we go, and He will give us every land, where our foot steps. To be a missionary is not easy. We tasted it first hand. We saw it also in the life of these tree missionary in Dharamsala, far away from home, family and friends. Same difficulties endured also the missionaries in Manikaran, and tens of thousands other God’s missionaries, spread all over the world, like a little lights, giving light to the deep spiritual darkness of the pagan world.

If you are called from God to be a missionary in such countries like India, Pakistan, Algeria, China or Turkey, I am sure nothing can stop you to do God’s will. Be strong and brave for Him.
