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After we were back from Dharamsala in the base in Buntar, our life there continued in the same way, full of prayer and God’s Word preaching among the local Christians for their growing and training. We knew that in Manali city, 42 km north of Buntar, there was another base of “Youth With A Mission” and we decided to visit them. Our way to there was 2 hours long and it was very uncomfortable for me, when sitting in front of us Indians all the time were staring at my wife, who seems with her blond hair and white skin was a big attraction for them. Manali is one of the Buddhist centers in Himachal Pradesh, but the temple that we visited wasn’t too big as that one in Dharamsala. When we enter in the Buddhist pagoda, it was dark inside, however we could see the monks during their worship. They were standing one by one, speaking their mantras and shaking a little. Mantra is a certain word or phrase, which must be repeated many times while the Buddhist meditates. This word or phrase is often a name of some demon, but of course, those who speak their mantras, don’t know this. The mantras are given to every Buddhist monk from their leaders.

It is very important, when the Christians in some country are minority, to support and encourage each other. Out trip to Manali had this purpose - to encourage the brothers and sisters there for the work they did for God, preaching His Word. During our visiting to them, our English guide Paul Tilbery, who even in England had problems with his lungs, again got suffocation because of the high altitude above sea leve l- about 2000 m. So, suddenly it was necessary to visit the hospital in Manali. After the examination they determined that Paul must stay few days under doctor’s control. With a little worry, because of that we went back to Buntar.
