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Spiritual task

Our spiritual task consisted exclusively of intercession and spiritual warfare. Basically, Friday was a day for fast. There were evenings when we prayed in shifts, in order to arrange 24 hours prayer. When we were in England I had in my heart a desire to preach to Indians about Jesus, but when we already arrived in India, I understood that here the method of working is different. The Indians from the base visited few villages for about one year in order to become friends with the local people. When they know each other better, only then they can share the Gospel with them. If a white man begin to witness about God directly, it is possible to cause negative effect than success. Indian thinking is that Christians who go there to preach the Gospel have a lot of money. There are cases, when with Holy Spirit’s working some Indians repent by white men’s preaching, but after that the problems begin. Other locals think that white people have given money and have bribe the Indian in order to accept the Christian faith. So, by such way the local society turns against white preachers very much. Another reason is, that English have ruled India 200 years and have rob brutally the local people, which have made bitter roots in Indian hearts. That’s why Christians from the base wanted first to become friends with the locals and just after that to share the Gospel with them. And the missionary strategy is that whosoever wants to go to work in India must be based on the cooperation with the local Indian Christians - to teach and train them and help them to be efficient in reaching their own nation, because the best Indian missionaries are the Indians themselves. But, as we already mentioned, because of the low spiritual growing Indians need teaching and help from outside. That’s why missionaries from abroad must be sent to India.

There was a church meeting every Sunday in the big room of the second floor, where also joined orphan children, for whom a missionary from America cared. She has left her comfortable home, her quiet life, her friends and has gone to the other side of the World to serve God, carrying for these children. In Heaven everyone will know who and what has sacrificed for God and for His Kingdom and thousands of unknown missionaries will receive their deserved prizes from God. This first Sunday in Buntar they gave me a possibility to preach and I shared with others how and why I believed in Jesus, what He means for me, why I love Him with all my heart and how superior is God’s love to us sinners.

One day we climbed up high in the mountain to pray. In front of us appeared a magnificent view. Everywhere high mountains, some of them with snow covered their peaks and under them a river made a way running southward. During our climbing we saw some idol’s temple where every Tuesday people sacrificed sheeps and goats for snake’s mercy. We prayed for the people who go there lied by Satan. Idolatry is spread all over the World and no matter its form it is one of the sins that God hates most. The Bible talks much about this matter. In Romans 1:23 apostle Paul has written: “…and eternal God’s glory they changed for likeness of image of mortal man, birds, four legs animals and reptiles.” There is a scale of decay even in the idolatry. In some countries it appears like worship to people, in other places people make divination to birds and four legs animals, and in India people worship everything, from men to such abomination like worshiping snakes - the animal, which God cursed in the Garden of Eden. Christian, who has visited India, cannot stay indifferent to the needs of this country and the Great Commission in Mark 16:15 “… Go all over the World and preach the Gospel to every creature” is valid for you too, reader. The aim of this book is to let you think seriously for your part, which you can give to reach the unreached. From God’s side I beg you to open your heart for their need for spiritual light. Make your first step towards them.
